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  • Owanbe Bride

What Is A Bridal Shower

Your best girlfriend is getting married and you have been employed with the honours to help plan her bridal shower, oh wait you do not know what a bridal shower is!

A bridal shower is a party held for a woman who is about to get married, at which friends and relatives (typically female) present her with advise, gifts and well wishes to her future new life.

Just like most wedding traditions, there is an intriguing history behind bridal showers. In this particular case, there are two stories that contribute to the inception and tradition of bridal showers as we know them today and there is also African attributes induced to the shower.


Story One

The giving of gifts to the bride was to prepare her for her new life and date back to 16th Century Holland. In these days, gifts were given to brides who were too poor and dowry-less, or to brides whose fathers didn’t approve of the marriage. One particular story tells of a father who wanted his daughter to marry a wealthy pig farmer. She insisted on marrying a miller instead. Since the miller was from a lower class and the father didn’t give his blessing, the girl’s friends then brought her gifts to substitute a dowry and help her start her new home.

“Behind every successful bride is a group of women routing for the success of her marriage, family and home, be the kind of women who supports another in the most memorable experience of her life.”

Story Two

The second story is where we get the more associated tradition of gift-giving. According to this history behind bridal showers, ladies in the Victorian days would gather to wish the bride well. They would then spoil her by bringing small gifts, notes, and home goods. These gifts were put in an open parasol and they would then “shower” them over her.

The African Story

Various African cultures have a similar story to number two the difference with some is the advice given to the bride to be comes only from elders and friends who are already married. The nature of the advice is typically about how to cater to her future husbands needs and the needs of her home. There is an element of sexual advise as, sex is believed ti form a major part of a relationship, the the general theory is the bride is prepared for what is expected of her.

Final Thoughts

Today, the bridal shower tradition continues from various cultures. The common denominator is they are thrown by friends or the bride herself to shower and help prepare the bride-to-be for their new home. Wedding showers can now take many forms from bridal teas, bridal brunches and our classic bridal pool party with themes that sometimes incorporate the wedding. No matter what kind of party, though, it’s part of a long tradition intended to wish the impeding bride well, celebrate her upcoming marriage, and help her prepare for her new home.

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